Invisalign treatment is a non-surgical method of straightening teeth which are difficult to straighten using traditional methods. Clear aligners, also known as Invisalign braces, are tiny clear plastic forms of cosmetic dental braces primarily used to correct teeth misalignment. They are fitted in the mouth and gradually reshape the teeth in the desired way. The treatment involves the use of a plastic liner to create a tiny tooth-shaped model of your ideal tooth.

The Invisalign treatment process is extremely discreet, taking just about an hour from the dentist's office for each tooth affected. This treatment time frames can vary depending on each dentist or the Invisalign provider. However, an initial consultation generally takes only a few hours to complete, making this type of procedure perfect for those with busy lives and tight schedules. The aligner, which cannot be seen, will move over time to form a perfect smile for each patient. This individual treatment plan will help the invisalign clear braces provider to create the best plan for each patient.

There are several reasons why more people today are choosing Invisalign treatment over traditional braces. First, this treatment method eliminates the need to wear traditional braces, which can be very uncomfortable and awkward to wear. Second, this treatment method allows for a straightening of teeth which is virtually pain-free, as well as eliminating any possible gaps between teeth or other flaws in the smile. Third, these devices can be removed at any time, unlike traditional braces, which can't be removed. Lastly, there are no visible braces when using Invisalign, so patients won't feel like their teeth are stuck together.

To begin the process of obtaining an invisalign treatment, you must schedule an Invisalign consultation appointment with a qualified orthodontist. During your first visit, the orthodontist will assess the condition of your teeth and mouth, as well as your overall dental health. Based on the evaluation, the orthodontist will then determine whether you are a suitable candidate for this type of orthodontic treatment. If you are deemed a good candidate, you will be given all of the necessary instructions and information required to begin the process of straightening your teeth. During your initial appointment, you will be asked to undergo several different procedures, including:

The first step of the treatment is to have your teeth and mouth realigned by using clear, removable retainers. Retainers are designed to gently hold the teeth in place while your bite is reshaped. Invisalign uses clear, removable retainers that can be taken out at any time, but can't be seen with the naked eye. Once your retainer is removed, it will be replaced by a second, slightly larger retainer which is then placed directly over the original. These retainers allow you to maintain the same straight appearance while allowing your teeth to move forward. View here for more information about the benefits of invisalign treatment.

Another way that Invisalign aligners reduce the chances of you getting stuck in your teeth is by helping to keep them clean. As you brush and floss regularly, food particles and debris tend to get stuck in your teeth, which can be difficult and even painful to remove. Removing these particles from your teeth through Invisalign aligners means that you can clean the aligners more thoroughly and easily, reducing the chances of them becoming dirty or stained. This can help you maintain a bright smile, even after you get your teeth straightened with Invisalign. You can find