Clear aligners, also known as Invisalign treatment, are clear, removable orthodontic dental braces usually worn to change the alignment of teeth. These types of braces are very useful for people who want to correct their teeth's crookedness and crowded appearance. This is due to the fact that teeth are mostly visible when one smiles. The presence of visible teeth can negatively affect your social life and professional life.

Thanks to its advantages, many people have changed their lifestyles. With the help of an invisalign treatment plan, an individual will be able to get rid of crooked teeth and regain their perfect and attractive smile. An individual treatment plan usually involves the use of brackets in your teeth's right places. Braces are then attached to these brackets with the help of wires that are then connected to wires that are placed through the brackets.

The main advantage of the invisalign baton rouge treatment is that it offers a pain-free way to straighten teeth without wearing metal braces. As a result, people no longer have to worry about the discomfort that comes with wearing metal braces. This can be attributed to the fact that an invisalign treatment won't require the use of metal wires.

Invisalign treatment is also very cost effective. Invisalign treatment doesn't require one to undergo any expensive dental surgeries. It is also not a long term solution that requires maintenance treatments. As a result, you only need to wear the braces for a short period of time, which is usually between two to six months. Also, unlike conventional braces where a lot of money is consumed, Invisalign treatment is far more cost efficient and is much easier on the pocket.

Apart from being cost effective and easy to maintain, another key benefit of this treatment is that it provides great results. Unlike traditional braces where your teeth may need to be realigned after every two weeks, you only need to wear Invisalign aligners for a week or two, which means that you can achieve great results in a shorter period of time. Also, Invisalign treatment doesn't cause any discomfort to the patient. This is because these clear aligners don't contain any metal components. You need not worry any more about biting on wires that could leave a nasty taste for your teeth.

The drawbacks of Invisalign treatment are that it doesn't provide a permanent solution to the problem of crooked, crowded and improperly shaped teeth. It can't correct minor deficiencies like overbite and underbite. Also, Invisalign treatment cannot be used on everyone since certain patients may need retainer. Further, traditional braces are prone to become loose due to constant usage. Moreover, traditional braces can become uncomfortable and suffocate the patient if they are worn for a long period of time. To learn more about this topic, read this post: